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About Us

 Hope For Animals 

All the Noddfa Bach team have volunteered or worked with animals. In fact, that is how we met, volunteering at a sanctuary.

Then a series of tragic events led to the creation of our Little Sanctuary.

For us, Noddfa Bach was the light that shone through the darkness. 

As you may know the UK is facing its worst animal crisis in decades, with the rising cost of living and fallout from the pandemic, when around 3 million dogs joined households throughout Britain. Cases of animal abandonment, neglect and emergencies are through the roof. 

Sanctuaries & rescues across the home nations are at breaking point, with long waiting lists of dogs desperately needing kennels and the numbers of people adopting drastically falling. Sadly, over the last couple of years more than a dozen sanctuaries & rescues have been closed, leaving a severe shortage of kennels. The situation for animals is dire. Especially those, who through no fault of their own need extra time, care and rehabilitation.

'We want to be a lifeline for those animals'

Our Purposes:

  1. Rescue, Rehabilitate & Rehome 

  2. Conservation of Land, Wildlife, Flora & Fauna

  3. Education of Animal Welfare & Conservation

At the heart of everything we do are the 5 Freedoms of Animal Welfare:​

Freedom from hunger & thirst. Freedom from discomfort. Freedom from pain, injury & disease. 

Freedom to express normal behaviour. Freedom from fear & distress


Unfortunately, some sanctuaries & rescues do not always meet these Freedoms. 

Noddfa Bach believes that all animal sanctuaries, rescues and boarding kennels should be regulated by the UK government. We are joining together with other reputable sanctuaries, rescues and animal welfare organisations to petition for a change in the law.

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Hope For Our World

We have all seen the drastic changes in our climate over the last few years, soaring temperatures, wildfires, floods, draughts. Everything is being affected by this. People, our agriculture, our wildlife even our pets. Floods and heat can help spread fleas, ticks, mites and the infections and diseases that they can carry. 

In addition to the changes in climate our flora and fauna face a great many other environmental pressures. Over the last 50 years a great many plant and insect species have become extinct and more are threatened with extinction. 

'Insects contribute to food production through pollination services, managing crop pests, maintaining soil health and recycling nutrients from waste' UK Governement, Insect decline & food security report.

We believe that through positive action we can create change.


Once our sanctuary is established we intend to have areas that are dedicated to conservation. Working with ecologists, botanists and other conservation specialists we will help to create more natural habits for local wildlife and insects. We will offer opportunities for students and the local community to get involved with our conservation projects.


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Dedication. Inspiration. Passion.

Animal Sanctuary

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